The White Lion stands at the apex of the pyramid of the animal kingdom. By protecting this king of kings, we help to bring protection to all the animals that fall within the biosphere below them.
White Lions are significant to the tribal elders and shamans of the Timbavati, whose prophecies foretold of their coming over the last few centuries and welcomed them with joy when they arrived in the 1970s. Tragically these incredible lions have been turned into commodities for human amusement and unethical slaughter. White Lions have been removed from their natural homeland to zoos and breeding facilities where many end up on the canned hunting or captive-bred lion hunting lists.
The work of the WLT extends far beyond just saving the White Lions and returning them to their natural habitat. The WLT under the leadership of Linda Tucker and Jason Turner has successfully rehabilitated previously captive lions to hunt and exist naturally in prides, proving many of the contemporary legends about the inability of white lions to survive in the wild wrong. This project is about environmental sustainability, human co-existence with wild animals, and opposing captive bred and canned hunting practices affecting ALL the lions in South Africa. The WLT outreach projects extend to the local communities, where the children learn of their natural heritage and are encouraged by the strength and majesty of the lion to seek those qualities within themselves; helping to build lion-hearted leaders of tomorrow.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Alison Effting and the Biochemic Tissue Salts and Aura-Soma communities. The website content is based upon the opinions of Alison Effting and the writings of Dr WH Schuessler, Dr GW Carey, Vicky Wall and John Michael Booth unless the authors are otherwise noted. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional, nor intended as medical advice. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Please do not take yourself off any prescription medication before consulting your doctor.
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