Many years ago some of my clients asked me what the constitutional cell salt for their sign was, and I didn't have a clue. This lead me on a journey of investigation and ultimately to the study of astrology, where I learned that an accurate natal chart reflects the individual's constitution.
Predispositions to stress or illness can be found provided that the birth details are correct, but it's important to remember that every natal chart contains all twelve of the zodiac signs. The natal sun sign and its corresponding tissue salt is significant, but doesn’t negate all the other stellar influences of who we are. A natal analysis will reveal individual patterns that make you different from others with the same sun sign. AllisOne Bioplasma corresponds to the zodiac, containing each of the twelve salts in equal proportions - a good general tonic upon which to add your personal tissue salts.
Astro-Physiological Signatures
Kali Phos is the biochemic brain and sensory nerve nutrient, a systemic energizer and helps to imbue a natural tranquillity in times of fatigue and stress. Kali Phos is a very useful salt for students, helping memory and concentration, and for their stressed-out parents, it helps to calm and prevent the occurrence of ‘senior moments’. It is also a heart tonic and the biochemic antiseptic, playing an important role in cells and intercellular fluids.
Nat Sulph, the liver and lymphatic conditioner, supports the cleansing and detoxification of the body. It has a natural diuretic action, helping the body to eliminate excess fluid and toxins. Nat Sulph is also helpful to those who have a tendency to put on weight, as it encourages the metabolism to shift into a more efficient gear. Important, however, to recognize that weight loss requires a sensible and balanced eating plan too!
Kali Mur is the primary respiratory conditioner and biochemic decongestant. Kali Mur is the specific for the second stage of inflammation, after the fever, where its deficiency signal is the body’s production of white mucus or discharge. It is also a blood conditioner, and a specific to help children overcome the old-fashioned childhood diseases, and should be used when babies and children receive vaccines for these illnesses.
Calc Fluor provides elasticity to the tissues, maintaining flexibility and preventing premature sagging. It facilitates the prevention and healing of stretch marks, strengthening muscle and connective tissue, teeth and the walls of blood vessels. Calcium Fluoride is natural to the body, and in its nanomineral form has none of the toxic effects attributed to the sodium fluoride as found in fluoridated water and toothpastes.
Mag Phos is a muscle and motor nerve nutrient, helping to empower the muscles, or to relax them when a deficiency leads to the holding of tension. It is the biochemic antispasmodic, helpful for all types of cramp or spasm, whether induced by physical exertion or when physiological changes such as menstrual cycles bring them about. It is most beneficial dissolved in warm water for cramps in the stomach, or crushed and rubbed onto the gums of infants for colic.
Its salt is a cell oxygenator, supporting the action of Ferrum Phos. Kali Sulph is the primary skin care salt, great for sensitive skins, eczema or flaky scalp conditions, and is also indicated in the third stage of infection when there is production of yellow-green mucus or discharges. Supplementing Kali Sulph during any ongoing illness or condition helps to bring about speedier resolution.
Nat Phos is the primary acid neutralizer, and supports the kidneys in dealing with the elimination of uric acid. Stiff muscles or joints, arthritic or rheumatic conditions, digestive over-acidity and oily skins, all indicate a need for this effective pH balancer.
Calc Sulph strengthens the cell membranes and is important for the healthy development of sperm and eggs. It is a systemic cleanser, helping the body to eliminate toxic decomposing organic material. It addresses suppuration and is helpful for pimples, acne and wounds that are slow to heal.
Silicea strengthens and cleanses connective tissues, and will help to eliminate foreign material from the body. It is a wonderful rejuvenator, easing the signs of premature ageing and also important for managing stress. Please note that Silicea in a biochemic form will assist the body’s natural healing responses, and will help in removing something that it is naturally trying to reject or eliminate, such as splinters or unhealthy implants. People who require medication to prevent rejection of implants or transplanted organs should avoid it and use Bioplasma instead.
Calc Phos is the basic tonic of the salts and the one found most abundantly in the body. It strengthens bones and teeth, is vital for cell nutrition and repair, necessary for all cell division, and forms a vital constituent of the blood. It has a calming effect and is imperative for growing children – certainly called for to ease growing pains, and together with Kali Phos, addresses attention deficit disorders. As bones tend to weaken with age, it is also a wonderful tonic for the elderly.
Its salt regulates the balance of water in the body, allowing cells to absorb their water requirements and eliminate any excess. In conjunction with Nat Sulph, it addresses swelling, eyelid puffiness and oedema, and should be used on long flights by people who find their ankles and feet tend to swell. It helps to restore vitality and shift heavy emotions, and is particularly indicated in times of grief, emotional tearfulness, seasonal allergies, runny noses, colds and dry or wet eczemas.
Ferrum Phos is the biochemic anti-inflammatory and first-aid rescue, and is found predominantly in the muscles and red blood cells. Oxygen becomes increasingly so for aerobic exercise – runners, cyclists and active children. Any time the face turns red and heats up, whether through the onset of inflammation or healthy active exercise, this salt is called for. It supports our energy when taken with Kali Phos and provides strength and tone to the muscle tissues.